Using a variety of examples, describe and discuss some of the chemical reactions that enzymes facilitate in photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

Biochemistry Enzymes can be described as biological catalysts that regulate the rate of chemical reactions involved in biological processes. Different types of chemical reactions are catalyzed by different classes of enzyme. Using a variety of examples, describe and discuss some of the chemical reactions that enzymes facilitate in photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

Provide a list of conditions, chemicals, nutritional factors and other things that can affect a prenatal fetus long and lengthy.

Nutritional factors and other things that can affect a prenatal fetus. Provide a list of conditions, chemicals, nutritional factors and other things that can affect a prenatal fetus long and lengthy. Explain any other behavior, chemical or other factor that is supposed to affect prenatal development? Does it have any evidence?

Bio Lab: what is sterilization and what temperature, and pressure is used to sterilize labware?

Bio LabPipetting techniques  (2 points) What is sterilization and what temperature, and pressure is used to sterilize labware? What color is Coomassie Blue- when exposed to:Anionic Compounds? And Cation compounds? How many micro liters is 1mL of water? Why do we use a pipette? What are the advantages? Pigment extraction (2 points) Write the chemical … Read more