Drawing on the readings covered in class as well as outside research, use the framework of phenomenology and examples to give an account of how the body’s susceptibility to violence, and its capacities for motion, are embedded in social realities such as race and gender.

Pain and violence The body is a site where pain and violence are experienced, and also a site of human freedom. Drawing on the readings covered in class as well as outside research, use the framework of phenomenology and examples to give an account of how the body’s susceptibility to violence, and its capacities for … Read more

What is the relationship between art and philosophy? Do you agree with Plato and Descartes that philosophy is the best means of achieving certainty about reality and existence, or do you think that art is the ultimate expression of truth?

Compare and contrast the modern and postmodern approaches to truth and art. In a 3-4 page paper, discuss the following: Explain the idea that art represents reality by discussing Plato and/or Aristotle’s view of art. Discuss a work of art that you think illustrates this idea. For example, you might discuss a character/narrator/subject in a … Read more