Write a 4- to 6-page reflective paper in which you utilize the results of the five IAT assessments from the Unit 7 learning activity and analyze your own personal, spiritual, cultural influences, personal biases, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic influences.

IAT assessments Write a 4- to 6-page reflective paper in which you utilize the results of the five IAT assessments from the Unit 7 learning activity and analyze your own personal, spiritual, cultural influences, personal biases, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic influences. In your analysis, you will examine the results of each of those assessments and … Read more

Discuss with examples, the role of ethics, legal, socio-cultural, and examiner biases and how each influences the diagnosis, treatment, and applicant selection processes.

Write a (5) paper about choosing appropriate measures for psychological diagnosis, evaluation, and selection. Part 1. The Minority Testing Bias Persists  article calls attention to the fact that some tests may be culture-specific without even knowing it. 1). Discuss the implied message from this article and the need to identify underlying testing items that … Read more