What may be happening to the cold air mass as it moves southward from the Great Plains?

Explain what is happening to air along the cold front. Forecasting Weather MAP Worksheet 1 Figures 1—4 are weather maps for a 24-hour period. The maps show the position of pressure systems and fronts in the United States every 12 hours, beginning at 12:00 A.M. on Thursday. Examine the maps and think about what is … Read more

Did you gain an understanding or make a connection with any of the art you interacted with?

Why were you drawn to this particular work The Nelson Museum Visit and Reflection The Nelson Atkins in Kansas City is a world class art museum, with a truly wonderful collection spanning all time periods and genres. personal favorite is the Caravaggio (one of only 7 in the States) and the Impressionist/Post Impressionist collection. The … Read more