Find a pathway through the film that enables you to do a close analysis with a point-of-view you think is interesting, original, and worthy of discussion.

Movie 4-6 pages 12 pt font Double-spaced 2-3 cited scholarly articles (more will be approved in individual cases) Find a pathway through the film that enables you to do a close analysis with a point-of-view you think is interesting, original, and worthy of discussion. Choose your direction by thinking about a particular context that interests … Read more

Find a pathway through the film that enables you to do a close analysis with a point-of-view you think is interesting, original, and worthy of discussion.

Close analysis Find a pathway through the film that enables you to do a close analysis with a point-of-view you think is interesting, original, and worthy of discussion. Choose your direction by thinking about a particular context that interests you. 4-6 pages 12 pt font Double-spaced 2-3 cited scholarly articles.  

Provide a written proposal on what strategies you would recommend as a pathway to recruit minorities and women.

Recruitment Proposal. You are the new personnel recruitment sergeant for a police department comprised of 50 sworn officers. Of the 50 sworn officers, the department has one African American man, two Hispanic men, and two women officers. There has never been a large number of minority or women candidates applying for vacant sworn positions in … Read more