What is the disorder and its pathophysiology that you expect the health care provider to diagnose and treat?

 Diabetes Case Study A 21-year old female (A.M.) presents to the urgent care clinic with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a fever for 3 days. She states that she has Type I diabetes and has not been managing her blood sugars since she’s been ill and unable to keep any food down. She’s only … Read more

Research and explain the causes of aneurysm vascular disease, Pathophysiology, Signs and symptoms, medical diagnosis and treatment and patient teaching.

Aneurysm vascular disease. Research and explain the causes of aneurysm vascular disease, Pathophysiology, Signs and symptoms, Medical diagnosis and Treatment and patient Teaching. 2nd page must be abstract APA Format 750 words 3 scholarly peer reviewed Resources

Psoriasis : Write overview of the disease: etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentations, labs, x-ray findings, differential diagnosis and treatment.

Psoriasis Write overview of the disease: etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentations, labs, x-ray findings, differential diagnosis and treatment. The presentation should be in a Word document doubled spaced and must follow the American Psychological Association (APA) format. Include at least 4 references. The references should be dated from 2016 to present. Two of the references shouldbe … Read more

Compare and contrast between diabetes mellitus Type 1 and 2.Describe the clinical manifestations, pathophysiology, and diagnostic studies of diabetes.

Diabetes Compare and contrast between diabetes mellitus Type 1 and 2. Describe the clinical manifestations, pathophysiology, and diagnostic studies of diabetes. Explain the interprofessional care of diabetes: include prevention, and medication. Discuss the nursing management, including teaching needs for a patient with diabetes. Discuss the acute and chronic complications of diabetes. Assignment Expectations Structure: Include … Read more

Diabetes mellitus : Compare and contrast between diabetes mellitus Type 1 and 2. Describe the clinical manifestations, pathophysiology, and diagnostic studies of diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus. Write a 1250-1500 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. There should also be an introduction which briefly discusses the topic and a conclusion. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which topic you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support … Read more

THE ACUTELY UNWELL PATIENT : Discuss the assessment and management of the patient’s condition and the mental capacity with reference to appropriate legal frameworks.

THE ACUTELY UNWELL PATIENT •Discuss the assessment and management of the patient’s condition. •Discuss the patient’s mental capacity with reference to appropriate legal frameworks. •Essay will be structured using the A-E approach and the discussion will refer to the pathophysiology underlying the patient’s condition, relevant clinical guidelines to support the management of the patient, and … Read more

Integrated care, Patient pathway : Demonstrate an understanding of the research/audit/evaluation/service improvement processes and their relevance to the delivery of high quality care.

Integrated care, Patient pathway. 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the research/audit/evaluation/service improvement processes and their relevance to the delivery of high quality care. 2. Evaluate the effectiveness of integrated care for service users affected by common physical and/or mental health conditions. 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the evidence in relation to nursing and bio-psychosocial frameworks … Read more

Case study: Provide a detailed written report of the patient above .

Case study Tawin, MRN-001234, 67 year old man, living at home with his wife, and is independent. No MRSA, no advanced care directive and was in for full resus. Could not obtain pts employment history and is chronic smoker, alcohol abuse and was admitted for an elective produce for right lower leg angiogram with IVUS … Read more

Develop a research paper on the Pathophysiology of ALS (Lou Gherigs Disease)

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) aka Lou Gherig’s Disease Develop a research paper on the Pathophysiology of ALS (Lou Gherigs Disease) Criteria: 1. Description of the pathology 2. Normal anatomy of major body system affected 3. Normal physiology of body system affected 4. Mechanism of pathophysiology 5. Prevention 6. Treatment The paper will be a minimum … Read more

Discuss the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria, and treatment for each clinical model selected.

Altered Mood, Attention, and Behavior, Altered Somatic and Special Sensory Function, and Degenerative Changes in Aging Indicate which clinical models you chose in the subject line of your initial post. Select one clinical model illustrating altered mood, attention, and behavior or one clinical model illustrating altered somatic and special sensory function, and one model representing … Read more