Explain what treatments the patient is receiving because of their disease

Signature Assignment: Choose a disease (any disease) and FABRICATE a patient with all signs/ symptoms and lab results. You are going to FABRICATE a case-study and answer all the questions listed. Support all claims of what the disease is, why it occurs and how to treat it with references to the literature on this disease … Read more

Select a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and do research on it. Write a 3-5 page paper about the condition/issue.

Sexually Transmitted Infections Select a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and do research on it. Write a 3-5 page paper about the condition/issue. Use at least one scholarly source to support your findings. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a References page using APA format.

Define and discuss the condition the patient is presenting with, including the relevant related pathophysiology.

Case scenario: Sara is a 3-month-old baby admitted to the ward with possible bronchiolitis. She was born at 31 weeks gestation and spent four weeks in the neonatal unit. Sara has chronic lung disease of prematurity. Since discharge from the neonatal unit Sara has requires supplementary oxygen of 0.5L/min via nasal prongs at home to … Read more

Choose one of the five case studies to address in an essay format. Consider the patient information provided, and the nurses’ role in providing care for this patient. Discuss relevant pathophysiology to demonstrate your understanding of the underlying condition for this patient.

Critical Essay Word limit: 2000 words Choose one of the five case studies to address in an essay format. Consider the patient information provided, and the nurses’ role in providing care for this patient. Discuss relevant pathophysiology to demonstrate your understanding of the underlying condition for this patient. Outline your plan for a comprehensive assessment … Read more

Explain the process of glucose regulation in your own words using references to support your explanations.

Explain the process of glucose regulation • You are expected to explain the processes or concepts in your own words using references to support your explanations. • Use appropriate master’s level terminology. • Include all necessary physiology and/or pathophysiology. • Use detailed explanations to teach or explain. • Reference a minimum of two sources;  

Airway and breathing case study : Discuss in detail the pathophysiology of an infective exacerbation of COPD. How is this related this to Atsuto’s current condition as described above? What evidence exists to show that his condition is well managed or not well managed? Explain your rationale.  Support your discussion with evidence from literature

Airway and breathing case study (word count between these counts cannot be less than minimum requirement and cannot be more than maximum word limit) Q1 – minimum 350-500 max words Q2 – min 350-500 maxwords Q3 – 350-600 words Q4 350-600 words   Use your core text books PEER REVIEWED research from the last 5 years – APA … Read more