Individuals with this condition can exhibit brittle toenails, hair loss, subcutaneous atrophy , and pallor.Identify this disorder, explain the physiological alterations that result in these signs, and describe the treatment for the disorder.

Select two of the following items for your initial post.Limit your initial post to 3 or 4 paragraphs. This disorder can be related to dental work done, which can possibly lead to an infection damaging the endocardial layer of the heart. Identify the disorder and discuss key pathophysiological concepts. Individuals with this condition can exhibit … Read more

Genetic disorder:how can this disorder be attributed to environmental factors?

Genetic disorder Choose one genetic disorder from your Norris textbook. How can this disorder be attributed to environmental factors? Summarize the key pathophysiological concepts of the chosen disorder relative to the body‘s normal physiological function. What is the role of surgical options? Briefly explain the scope of immunotherapy for this condition.