Prepare a brief list your company’s past professional accomplishments.

How long will it take to organize this activity PART 1. Prepare a brief letter of interest to the College. Three paragraphs: intro, body, and closing. State why you are the best company for this event. (Think SBA letter for format.) Please look at the pdf file uploaded for format. PART 2. Prepare a brief, … Read more

what were your expectations and base-knowledge about medical writing before you started this class?

How have you improved or progressed in this course REFLECTION for medical writing Purpose You will prepare a final reflection on your learning in this course and how what you have learned could be applied in the future. Reflecting on your learning can help you consider and retain what you have learned. Directions To end … Read more

Write a clear declarative sentence that takes a firm position on the topic under consideration and serves to organize the rest of the work.

Ensure that your communication follows established guidelines and use a careful editing process expressive clarity Topic: Write a clear declarative sentence that takes a firm position on the topic under consideration and serves to organize the rest of the work. Organization: Effectively organize communications. EvidenceBased: Identify and appropriately structure the information needed to support an … Read more