Find a job posting for your organization and provide the title of the job posting, including a live hyperlink to the job posting.

Job Posting Find a job posting for your organization and provide the title of the job posting, including a live hyperlink to the job posting. What platform did you use to find the job? i.e. Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor Explain why HR professionals would post the job where they did. Refer to Chapter 10 pages 262-263 … Read more

Community College Leadership: A Multidimensional Model for Leading Change by Eddy: how might a cut in the college budget impact the vision for the campus?

Community College Leadership: A Multidimensional Model for Leading Change by Eddy (2010). Description The SLP assignments for this course ask you to review a case study from Community College Leadership: A Multidimensional Model for Leading Change by Eddy (2010). Review the case study “Creating a Vision: Strategic Community College,” located in Appendix B on pages … Read more

Culture, organizations, and leadership: how do you define the relationships among culture, organizations and leadership?

Culture, organizations, and leadership How do you define the relationships among culture, organizations, and leadership? What are the different ways leaders can impact organizational culture? What is the impact of culture on an organization’s structure?

Does the leader impact organizational culture or does organizational culture impact the leader?explain.

Read the information regarding Zappos in your book. Does the leader impact organizational culture or does organizational culture impact the leader? Explain. If you were the leader of Zappos, what new elements would you add to the corporate culture? Explain. How does the corporate culture impact vision, mission, and strategy at Zappos?