What are the impacts of the Corona-virus pandemic on students’ learning outcome of university studies?Clarify and critically discuss the ontological and epistemological assumption for the chosen design.

Statistic Problems (a) What are the impacts of the Corona-virus pandemic on students’ learning outcome of university studies? (b) Clarify and critically discuss the ontological and epistemological assumption for the chosendesign. The word limit is 2000 word

Identify and explain the ontological and epistemological assumptions which underpin the researchers’ choice of methodology.

Ontological and Epistemological assumptions Select one paper from the list below. Select either paper A, B or C. A. Macleod, G., Dallas-Childs, R., Brough, C. and Toye, M. (2021), ‘She just got me’: supporting care experienced young people negotiating relationships and identities at school. J Res Spec Educ Needs. https://doi-org.ezproxy.is.ed.ac.uk/10.1111/1471-3802.12543 B. Catherine E. Stanford, Richard … Read more