Maternal-Fetal Conflict: can the pregnant woman refuse the recommended treatment, particularly if harm is expected to come to the fetus?discuss.

Maternal-Fetal Conflict Pregnancy is a unique circumstance in medical ethics because of the absolute requirement to access the fetus only through intervention on the pregnant woman. Increasingly, as medical advances have offered the promise of therapy to the fetus, fetal interests have been considered separately from maternal interests by clinicians, policy makers, and the bioethics … Read more

Read and summarize  “Principles of Beneficence and Non-maleficence” and make a short (100 words) comment on these principles.

PRINCIPLE OF BENEFICENCE AND NON-MALEFICENCE. Read and summarize  “Principles of Beneficence and Non-maleficence” and make a short (100 words) comment on these principles. Chapter three from the textbook “Health Care Ethics Principles and Problems” (5th ed) is provided. NO OTHER REFERENCES NEEDED