How does healing differ today from New Testament healing?Does any relationship exist between sin and disease?

Healing Today Type an essay in response to the following questions. Do necessary research to complete. 1. How does healing differ today from New Testament healing? 2. Does any relationship exist between sin and disease? 3. What is the value of “confessing your sins one to another”?

Discuss in 450 words your response to the scenario using the textbooks and presentations and document all sources used in Turabian format.

Case Study 1) Read Chapters 1 and 2 Encountering the New Testament A Historical and Theological Survey by Watler Elwell and Robert Yarbrough (3rd ed) 2)A case study is an open-ended learning activity in which the participant must enter into the character of someone in a real-life situation and then reflect on what he/she would … Read more

Choose just one of the themes from the list below. note developments of that theme in the Old Testament to the New Testament (N.T.), and show how N.T. writers reinterpreted it.discuss similarities, differences, and changes to the meaning.

Mercy and compassion •Choose just one of the themes from the list below. Note developments of that theme in the Old Testament to the New Testament (N.T.), and show how N.T. writers reinterpreted it. Discuss similarities, differences, and changes to the meaning. •You must provide a separate outline to your paper. Use only the following … Read more

What biblical character in the New Testament would you say gives greatest evidence of the integration of business and mission/ministry in action?

Biblical Evidence of Integration of Business as Mission •What biblical character in the New Testament would you say gives greatest evidence of the integration of business and mission/ministry in action? •In their lives and actions, what application do you see of our development of a biblical-theological view of business and work from 1 related to … Read more

Acts, Letters, and Revelation: give an explanation of the genre of the book of Acts as theological history.

Acts, Letters, and Revelation Read Duvall& Hays Chapters 14,16, and 17, Read Klein, Blomberg, & Hubbard: Chapter 10 (Acts, Epistles, Revelation) and respond to the following questions.Consider these questions with the information in your textbooks in mind, but feel free to use other sources as needed to add to the conversation. In the subject line … Read more