Choose one of the following companies,assume you are a senior member of an HR department in the company you researched. Develop a strategy for how you plan to address the impact of recent laws and policies on the organization

HR Management Choose one of the following companies,assume you are a senior member of an HR department in the company you researched. Develop a strategy for how you plan to address the impact of recent laws and policies on the organization J&J (formerly Johnson & Johnson), Nestlé, Intel, American Express, or Toyota. Look at their … Read more

Describe how public policy could impact the organization you researched. What type of change strategy would you suggest? Provide your rationale.

HR Management Choose one of these companies: J&J (formerly Johnson & Johnson), Nestlé, Intel, American Express, or Toyota. Look at their annual report, stock portfolio, supporting documents, and strategy for maintaining a competitive advantage over the next 5 years. Assume you are a senior member of an HR department in the company you researched. Develop … Read more