Do some research on one of the Eastern systems and then compare it to either Aristotle’s virtue theory or Aquinas’ Natural Law Theory in terms of which seems more reasonable.

Eastern Ethics and Natural Law Do some research on one of the Eastern systems and then compare it to either Aristotle’s virtue theory or Aquinas’ Natural Law Theory in terms of which seems more reasonable.Which seems more coherent and able to be followed and which might help a person formulate a plan that would produce … Read more

Identify the parties and the moral issue(s) at stake.Concentrate on identifying the rights that are at stake. Are they liberty rights? Claim rights? If claim rights, against whom are the claims addressed? see if there are any duties of natural law that you think are relevant.

Natural Law Theory Identify the parties and the moral issue(s) at stake.Concentrate on identifying the rights that are at stake. Are they liberty rights? Claim rights? If claim rights, against whom are the claims addressed? see if there are any duties of natural law that you think are relevant.