In cultural anthropology, theories such as neo-evolutionism did the same thing culturally, they created a “scientific” notion that cultures evolve from simple to complex. Explain how this could have created many of the issues we face today globally in terms of inequity.Focus on Native Americans and the African slave trade,

Anthropology Anthropology, especially applied anthropology, can promote cross-cultural understanding, particularly using its holistic and relativistic lenses. However, in the past, the discipline was associated with colonialism and was more ethnocentric, using “science” and ideas about evolution to construct “race”, something we now know to be a social construct. In cultural anthropology, theories such as neo-evolutionism … Read more

Based on what you have read in the textbook, explain how all of these documents and the articles relate to the history of expansion, immigration, and economic development in Europe’s North American colonies during the 1600s and 1700s

Native Americans and European Colonists  Document1-Mittelberger Document2-Equiano Document3-Naranjo For Part 1 of the Unit 1 Exam, read the three documents attached above and the two articles linked below. Using the documents, the articles, and the textbook, write an essay answering the questions listed below. Grades will be based on the content of the answer and … Read more

What are the Free Exercise Clause and the Establishment Clause?Are they important to Native Americans?

Americans Indian Law 1. What are usufructuary rights? Why are they significant to this course? 13 points—one-half page (.5) page minimum. 2. Why are water rights important to Native Americans? What are some of the issues relating to water rights in relation to Native Americans? Why are these issues important to Native Americans? 12 points—one-half … Read more

Craft an argument regarding the reasons that these authors chose to humanize or dehumanize the figures that they did.

Craft an argument regarding the reasons that these authors chose to humanize or dehumanize the figures that they did. Essay should be around 1200-1500 words and adhere to all MLA style guidelines. Make sure to address the topic specifically and to use evidence (quotes) from the text you choose as well as contextual evidence from … Read more