In 550-600 words, discuss the ways in which the Nara and Heian courts established and maintained political authority, in all of its military, economic, social, religious, and cultural aspects.

In 550-600 words, discuss the ways in which the Nara and Heian courts established and maintained political authority, in all of its military, economic, social, religious, and cultural aspects. Conclude by pointing to some of the reasons for the imperial state’s gradual decline.

Analyze racial violence or discrimination against one of the racial minorities in the United States.

The task that I’ve chosen is: ´´Analyze racial violence or discrimination against one of the racial minorities in the United States (African Americans, Latin Americans, Asian Americans, or Jewish Americans). Use primary sources from the Library of Congress or NARA (the National Archives) or other serious archival source.´´ I’ve already sent in a term paper … Read more