Multiple Intelligences : What are some of the criticisms of existing theories about the origin, nature and measurement of intelligence? Do you agree that intelligence theories are generally flawed or limiting? Why or why not?

Multiple Intelligences Reflect on Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences. What types of intelligences might you attribute to yourself? Interpersonal intelligence How does this connect to our work and practice in Early childhood education and care? What are some potential deficits of conceiving intelligence in this way? What are some benefits? What are some of the … Read more

Education policy: explain the usefulness and the aims of the policy? what will be its impact?

Curriculum, Assessment & Pedagogy (ED7121) Critical analysis of a recent education policy Suggested Format Introduction Description of the policy What are the aims of the policy? What area does the policy relate to? Why the policy formulated? Historical background? Analysis of the policy, using insights from relevant theories and perspectives. Is the policy fit for … Read more