Write a persuasive speech outline using Monroe’s Motivated sequence

Monroe’s Motivated Write a persuasive speech outline using Monroe’s Motivated sequence Introduction Gain Attention: Establish Your Credibility: Central Idea: Preview Your Main Points: Body of the Presentation (Need, Satisfaction & Visualization) Need: [Exactly what is the problem with the current situation?] Supporting material: [Supporting material should include statistics, or research from credible sources. Each source … Read more

Write a speech on why one should learn to code.

Why You Should Learn to Code Organize your speech, following the structure of Monroe’s Motivated Sequence. Your speech should include an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should contain your key message. The body should cover your main topics and support to back up your main points.                                                                                                                                                                           Make sure that all support is relevant and … Read more

Using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence – Write a 5-6 minute (2-3 page) persuasive speech on why traveling is a must-do.

Persuasive Speech Outline (Travel Why It’s a Must). Using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence – Write a 5-6 minute (2-3 page) persuasive speech on why traveling is a must-do. Talk about the positive benefits (including mental health) of traveling and seeing new places and how it’s a priceless value. Talk about the setback you stand to have … Read more