Therapies : What are the harms of each of the monotherapy or combined therapies among these adults and adolescents? How do the harms compare across different interventions?

Therapies What are the harms of each of the monotherapy or combined therapies among these adults and adolescents? How do the harms compare across different interventions? How do these therapies compare in different populations? These subgroups will be considered with respect to the different interventions.

Among adults and adolescents with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Dysthymia, and Subsyndromal Depression, who are started on an SSRI and who are compliant with treatment but fail to improve either fully, partially, or have no response, what is the benefit (efficacy oreffectiveness) of monotherapy and combined therapy?

Prescribing Medications Among adults and adolescents with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Dysthymia, and Subsyndromal Depression, who are started on an SSRI and who are compliant with treatment but fail to improve either fully, partially, or have no response, what is the benefit (efficacy oreffectiveness) of monotherapy and combined therapy? Source: