Unity Paper : Write a minimum 1500-word response paper critiquing the unity within your own ministry/organization.

Unity Paper Write a minimum 1500-word response paper critiquing the unity within your own ministry/organization. Within the paper be sure to include the following: What challenges have divided people within the ministry/organization. Utilize and cite this or any other previous module readings. Include a praise, a rebuke, and a challenge. In these three areas please … Read more

Servant Leadership : Why is taking on the role of a servant so difficult and so necessary for those who are committed to ministry?

Servant Leadership Why is taking on the role of a servant so difficult and so necessary for those who are committed to ministry? How does one nurture the attitude and lifestyle that places others above oneself? Provide concrete examples from your observations or experiences of a “kingdom leadership” pattern, as discussed in Howell, chapter 16. … Read more