Had the political and militaristic situation been less volatile, would the movement have spread so easily? Why?

The military and political situation in the early to mid-1500s. HIS 380 Topic 6 DQ 1 Answer the following questions in 200 words. It has to pass plagiarism checks and AI detection. Needs at least 1 source in APA format Explain the relationship between the spread of the Reformation movement throughout Europe and the military … Read more

Explain the differences in conflict resolution strategy you would use with family or colleagues at work.

Conflict resolution Discuss a conflict resolution that you negotiated in the past. It can be a family or friend with whom you negotiated, or a scenario from your work or military experience. What strategy did you use? How was it effective or not and why? Explain the differences in conflict resolution strategy you would use … Read more

Give a brief synopsis for each of the three topics. And then respond to how you feel about each topic.

Writing questions Give a brief synopsis for each of the three topics. And then respond to how you feel about each topic. Have you seen or heard of these topics in your own experience? 1) Asian women and misogyny (7 pts) have been dealt a complex and difficult role in the United States. First are … Read more

Discuss the connection between business and military strategies.

Explain the need for integrating analysis and intuition in strategic management. OVERVIEW OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT After studying this chapter, you should be able to do the following: 1-1. Describe the strategic-management process. 1-2. Discuss the three stages of activities for strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation activities. 1-3. Explain the need for integrating analysis and intuition … Read more

How did Boarding Schools make some Indians stronger-What eventually happened in modern schools?

Native Americans Unspoken: Native American Boarding Schools http://www.pbs.org/video/unspoken-americas-native-american-boarding-schools-oobt1r/ Links to an external site. Short Answers [2-4 sentences]: answer these questions below (10 points) and view these other items for the bonus questions (5 pts) What is Assimilation? Give examples of how it was implemented. (2 pts) How were the children treated that was like the … Read more

“The military is the most important unelected component of government.” Evaluate this statement.

Unelected component of government. “The military is the most important unelected component of government.” Evaluate this statement. In your answer, consider: (a) the ways that militaries are involved in domestic politics around the world including their main tasks (b) the other two main unelected components of government we discussed, including the main tasks of those … Read more

Write a paragraph (3-5 good sentences) explaining your personal perspective on the impact of these Roman generals on subsequent Roman culture.

The Roles of Strong Military Generals in Roman History Research your assigned general and provide a list of five lines of evidence that support your assigned theory. Provide parenthetical references to the source from which your line of evidence came. Lucius Cornelius Sulla was the most important Roman general that categorically changed the trajectory of … Read more

GEOINT : Discuss how the three GEOINT components are applied to a military, civilian, or commercial intelligence problem-set or scenario.

GEOINT Imagery: A likeness or presentation of any natural or man-made feature or related object or activity and the positional data acquired at the same time the likeness or representation was acquired, including products produced by space-based national intelligence reconnaissance systems, and likenesses or presentations produced by satellites, airborne platforms, unmanned aerial vehicles, or other … Read more