What is corrective feedback and how can it be effective with ELL students? Discuss the differences between explicit/direct and implicit/indirect corrective feedback. Provide an example of using each type of corrective feedback with ELL students.

Self-reflection What is corrective feedback and how can it be effective with ELL students? Discuss the differences between explicit/direct and implicit/indirect corrective feedback. Provide an example of using each type of corrective feedback with ELL students. Why is student self-reflection important as a formative assessment? What are some methods to help ELL students develop self-reflection … Read more

Research Medicare, Medicaid and HIPAA. Identify two benefits as well as two challenges.

HIPAA Medicare, Medicaid, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) have had significant impacts on the healthcare industry. Consider the most significant benefits that Medicare, Medicaid, and (HIPAA) have brought to the healthcare industry and the most significant challenges they have presented to decision making in the industry. Research Medicare, Medicaid and HIPAA. … Read more

Suggest a suitable project, and, using NPV and IRR appraisal methods, show how the investment will benefit your company.

Finance for Decision Making. Covid-19 has had a significant impact on business over the last two years. Some businesses, such as supermarkets, have done well but with additional costs, many other businesses have gone into liquidation. The last year has seen shortages in skilled labour and logistics problems. It will be necessary for all businesses … Read more

Describe the concept of force-field analysis and the forces that either drive or restrain the change process.

Change process Describe the concept of force-field analysis and the forces that either drive or restrain the change process. Using the force-field analysis model, discuss a change initiative that you are familiar with, and define the key driving forces and key restraining forces that impact the change. Your paper should be three to four pages … Read more

Respond to the post below, stating whether you agree with the implications they described, why you agree, and at least one implication or consideration they did not mention.

Response. Respond to the post below, stating whether you agree with the implications they described, why you agree, and at least one implication or consideration they did not mention. The trend I choice was artificial intelligence and automation. AI and automation are really taking a hold of the health care industry. AI has an amazing … Read more

How would the profit figure change if the Australian dollar continues to strengthen at the same rate as it has done over the previous year?

Trading A trader, who is considering uncovered interest arbitrage between the US dollar (USD) and Australian dollar (AUD), faces the following data: Funds available: 2 million USD Spot exchange rate: 0.94 AUD per USD Spot exchange rate one year ago: 1.00 AUD per USD USD 3-month interest rate: 0.12% per annum AUD 3-month interest rate: … Read more

Based on your reading , do you think his idea could be patented? Explain why or why not. If you do not think a patent is possible, discuss if there would be another way to protect his “Beverage-Based Management” idea.

Beverage-Based Management Having run into a friend who has a new idea for a business or product every time you see him. This time, he is convinced he has invented a cutting-edge management system called “Beverage-Based Management,” in which employees improve their performance by drinking high-caffeine energy drinks with a shot of vodka during their … Read more

What are the three criteria of effective teams, as described in the textbook? How are all three evident in each of the five stages of team development? Provide examples to support your response.

Group thinking 1) What are the three criteria of effective teams, as described in the textbook? How are all three evident in each of the five stages of team development? Provide examples to support your response. 2) What can managers do to address group think?

Write a discussion board response of about 200-300 words where you consider a car accident you’ve been involved in or about a bad/complicated/interesting/challenging experience you’ve had with a car.

Discussion board Write a discussion board response of about 200-300 words where you consider a car accident you’ve been involved in or about a bad/complicated/interesting/challenging experience you’ve had with a car.