Case study: how might a bricks and mortar retailer use this information: An online retailer?

Case study Shoppers spending more in-store than online on page 183-184 of your textbook and answer the following questions that appear at the end of the case. 1. How might a bricks and mortar retailer use this information: An online retailer? 2. What survey methods could have been used to gather this data? The survey … Read more

Advance Marketing: why do you think the popularity of online survey research has exploded over the last 3-5 years?

Advance Marketing Why do you think the popularity of online survey research has exploded over the last 3-5 years? Be sure to answer the following questions: • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online survey research • Do you see any new survey software/technologies dominating the research marketplace? If so, provide their websites for your … Read more