Culture and disability : Speaking specifically about Matt.How would you handle the delicate situation and be specific about what resources would you provide Mr. Snyder?

Culture and disability After reading about Matt, a child with ADHD [] and the three assigned articles (Elissa et al., 2018; Malkawi et al., 2020; Nahal et al., 2017) on culture and disability, respond to the following: a. As a teacher we respond to families endeavoring to view a situation through a multiple perspectives lens, … Read more

Case of the Crying Baby : What symptoms has Kayla exhibited over the first months of her life?What treatments were suggested by the nurses and physicians when the symptoms first appeared?

Case of the Crying Baby  Sara and Matt had a loving relationship and successful careers. With the birth of their daughter Kayla they felt their lives were complete. Kayla was a thriving1, beautiful, fair skinned baby with   sparkling blue eyes. Within the first few weeks of life she grew at an astonishing rate, developing … Read more