Address an environmental or social issue.Share a communication or marketing tool will you use and explain why you chose this particular media tool.

Social issue Address an environmental or social issue.Share a communication or marketing tool will you use and explain why you chose this particular media tool. dentify the issue affecting a community and how you hope to help through communication and media to encourage change.

Discuss how online, social media, and other technology-related marketing tools could provide competitive advantages in the industry.

Competitive advantages Discuss how online, social media, and other technology-related marketing tools could provide competitive advantages in the industry. Do you think firms that market products for children have any special ethical responsibilities when they advertise? Why or why not? Give examples that support your position.

Highlight and explain the advantages and disadvantages of marketing tools used in healthcare.

Instructions: Highlight and explain the advantages and disadvantages of marketing tools used in healthcare. By the end of the unit, you will be able to make recommendations on what marketing tools would be most useful and effective given various elemental factors and internal influences. To begin, select one (1) of the following healthcare systems that … Read more