Create a product or service Marketing Plan for a brand of your choice. What are the current brand strategies of your business?Describe your brand equities. Does your brand have an overall theme?

Product or Service Marketing Plan Create a product or service Marketing Plan for a brand of your choice. What are the current brand strategies of your business?Describe your brand equities. Does your brand have an overall theme?

Create a PowerPoint presentation in which you present your full marketing plan.

MARKETING PLAN PRESENTATION. Create a PowerPoint presentation in which you present your full marketing plan. References are required. Use PowerPoint or other presentation software that includes slide notes. The presentation should be at least 10 slides and no more than 15 slides in length. Be sure to include a title slide and a slide for … Read more

Develop the company’s pricing strategy including a rationale for the approach you have chosen.

DEVELOPING THE MARKETING MIX Create the third part of your marketing plan in 6–8 pages using the Part C Marketing Plan : Develop the company’s pricing strategy including a rationale for the approach you have chosen. Develop the company’s distribution strategy, including a rationale for the approach you have chosen. Develop the promotional mix (message, … Read more

Franchise Model : Research, develop and competently present a comprehensive marketing plan for their specific Canadian product or service to enter a specific offshore market.

Franchise Model Research, develop and competently present a comprehensive marketing plan for their specific Canadian product or service to enter a specific offshore market. 2 pages in APA format

Marketing Plan : Describe the current situation of a real commercial or non-commercial organization of your choice and produce a marketing plan, which is reasonably justifiable according to the situation analysis and theory.

Marketing Plan. Describe the current situation of a real commercial or non-commercial organization of your choice and produce a marketing plan, which is reasonably justifiable according to the situation analysis and theory. In this report of 3000 words (+/- 10%), you will need to discuss the internal, micro, and macro environments to identify the strengths, … Read more

Business : Think and develop a product that would fill a need and create a basic marketing plan for your product and consider launching your product internationally. 

Business Think and develop a product that would fill a need and create a basic marketing plan for your product and consider launching your product internationally. Instructions You should address the following: What is the product? What currently unfulfilled needs are being met with this product? Identify and describe your target market(s). Research your industry. … Read more

Marketing plan: produce a single page A2 colour poster that has a suitable resolution for easy legibility.

Marketing plan Your group is an external marketing consultancy team hired to analyze the current situation of your allocated brand. Produce a single page A2 colour poster that has a suitable resolution for easy legibility. The poster should analyze the key issues in the marketing environment (PEST) and critique the current marketing mix and STP … Read more

Branding Marketing plan: create a marketing plan which will be inform of a powerpoint presentation with detailed information including SWOT and PEST analysis and also how to leverage the various media mix to support the presentation, and projected statistics to aid convincing investors.

Branding Marketing plan Create a marketing plan which will be inform of a PowerPoint presentation with detailed information including SWOT and PEST analysis and also how to leverage the various media mix to support the presentation, and projected statistics to aid convincing investors. (between 24-30 slides)