Develop your own portfolio using your Action Set to share your ideas and to learn how these channels can be used for different types of product.

Interactive and Digital marketing Part A – formative and feedback Throughout the module, you will be learning about digital marketing strategy and integrated marketing communications. Each week you should be developing a portfolio where you can identify whether or not that particular channel would work for your product and how it could be utilized. Develop … Read more

Practitioner Application : After careful background research and reflection, prepare a report indicating the components of the marketing communications mix you would use to market the given hospice house.

Practitioner Application Your M1 readings included five articles profiling the components of the marketing communications mix: advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing. Healthcare marketers should be very familiar with each category in order to make prudent selections when devising communicative plans for their given establishments. To aid in developing your ability … Read more

Integrated communications strategy : Present critical insights of the components of the marketing communications mix and brand management.

Integrated communications strategy   1.    Present critical insights of the components of the marketing communications mix and brand management. 2.    Design and evaluate an integrated marketing communications mix 3.    Identify appropriate techniques and resources to build cross functional relationships. 4.    Critically evaluate communications role in delivering value to a range of stakeholders.