How is urban life expressed through food, music, car culture, clothing, art, performance, architecture, or another form of cultural expression?

How do people use and relate to public space in xyz neighborhood LA ETHNOGRAPHY PROJECT BACKGROUND Los Angeles is a fascinating city that is hard to define.  Some theorists think LA is hard to define because it does not seem to have a clear center like “The Loop” in Chicago, ‘downtown’ in New York City … Read more

Select two Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) in Los Angeles, California to research which address Juveniles Needs. These should not be publicly-funded or government organizations. Explain

Juveniles Needs Select two Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) in Los Angeles, California to research which address Juveniles Needs. These should not be publicly-funded or government organizations. Explain in a one page paper why you selected them.

Research Design – Schizophrenia Study: provide a clear statement of a public health problem, review of literature, explain how the literature relates to a proposed study, develop formal research statement, and synthesize a full methods section.

Research Design – Schizophrenia Study Create a research proposal that will highlight learned components of this course. Provide a clear statement of a public health problem, review of literature, explain how the literature relates to a proposed study, develop formal research statement, and synthesize a full methods section. Instruction 1. Cover Page – The cover … Read more

Scenario:what immediate steps should you take to prevent tuberculosis becoming an HAI at your facility?

Scenario: You work in hospital epidemiology or infection prevention at a hospital in downtown Los Angeles. The emergency room at your hospital is chronically overcrowded, and patients often sit on gurneys in the hallways until a bed is available. You just learned that a patient who has tuberculosis has been in the ER for the … Read more