Evaluate a political issue in a health care scenario.Apply ethical reasoning to ethical issues within the field of Health Sciences.

Competency Assessment 1. Evaluate a political issue in a health care scenario. 2. Apply ethical reasoning to ethical issues within the field of Health Sciences. 3.Apply conflict management skills to resolve issues and/or build team alliances.

Discuss the ways the system can reduce false convictions to ensure due process and legitimacy.

Innocence Files View at least 3 Innocence Files documentaries on Netflix. One of the documentaries must be Season 1, Episode 6 – the story is rooted in Richmond, Virginia. Having watched at least 3 episodes, write a research paper addressing the following prompt: Discuss the ways the system can reduce false convictions to ensure due … Read more

Political science state: define the state and explain as best you can the origins of the modern nation-state.

Political science state Define the state and explain as best you can the origins of the modern nation-state. How do states consolidate their rule? What is the meaning of legitimacy as it applies to states? Why is the nation-state the dominant form of political organization in the world today?