leadership and multiculturalism: Describe the connection between leadership and multiculturalism.

leadership and multiculturalism 1. Describe the connection between leadership and multiculturalism. 2. Use critical theories such as relational leadership theory to interpret cultural, social, and contemporary contexts of leadership. 3. Differentiate leadership behaviors and competencies in particular cultural, social, and contemporary contexts. 4. Develop a taxonomy of effective leadership behaviors and competencies in multicultural spaces. … Read more

Managing to Leading:What are your thoughts on this? What do you believe are key differences between managing and leading people?

Managing to Leading The presenter identifies a few areas of knowledge and skill sets that are required to move from managing positions to leadership positions. What are your thoughts on this? What do you believe are key differences between managing and leading people?

Consultancy: Demonstrate an understanding of how to identify client needs and be able to develop appropriate research strategies for consultancy interventions

Consultancy 1.Demonstrate an understanding of how to identify client needs and be able to develop appropriate research strategies for consultancy interventions 2. Appraise the importance of expert tools and techniques to a consultant 3. Evaluate the relationship between strategic management, leadership and leadership styles and principles that support organizational ethical and value based approaches to … Read more

MBA Management and Leadership: Write one essay that addresses the following three points:

MBA Management and Leadership Write one essay that addresses the following three points: Describe why you are interested in obtaining this degree. Describe your qualifications for graduate study in this field. Describe your career goals and how this program will help you achieve your goals. (maximum 500 words, double spaced)

Analyzes how the College experience has prepared you for school building leadership.

•Analyzes how the College experience has prepared you for school building leadership. •Reflect upon how and describe in detail how the course work and the internship program have informed your leadership style, your core knowledge of the principles and practices of effective administration, supervision, and leadership. •Emphasize how this will impact the improvement of the … Read more

Article Critiques: submit 1 page critiques of articles related to leadership or management.

Article Critiques. Submit 1 page critiques of articles related to leadership or management. Include the following elements in your critique: 1. Summary Analysis: Provide a brief overview of the article, its intended audience, and its purpose and analyze the article’s strengths and weaknesses, providing evidence to support your opinions. 2. Key Elements : Select 1-2 … Read more

Leadership and Ethics : briefly explain how Lt. Coughlin demonstrated one of the ethical agent role as described on the Newell book.

Leadership and Ethics This reflection activity involves practicing assessing role(s) of ethics agents and spotting the ethics issue(s). First, watch the PBS video linked below titled She Rocked the Pentagon. It is about 12 minutes and involves the ethical decision making of former Navy Lt. Paula Coughlin following the sexual assault scandal at the Tailhook … Read more

Scenario: based on the results of your personal leadership self-assessment, describe the leadership behavior you scored lowest in and explain how developing this could have a positive impact on your ability to lead.

Scenario The organization you work for as a director of leadership and learning is looking to create an adaptive leadership toolkit to help improve employee leadership skills and behaviors over the next two years. To begin this work, you conducted a personal leadership self-assessment to take a leadership inventory of yourself. Now that you know … Read more