Explain the differences between “racial profiling” and the legitimate use of “profiling” in law enforcement.

Racial profiling and the legitimate use of profiling in law enforcement. Explain the differences between “racial profiling” and the legitimate use of “profiling” . Discuss the prevention of racial profiling in law enforcement using the following seven areas. · Accountability and supervision · Agency policy to address racial profiling · Recruitment and hiring · Education … Read more

Submit a 300 to 500 word essay discussing in what ways does America and the free enterprise system provide opportunities for everyone to succeed.

Conservation law enforcement Submit a 300 to 500 word essay discussing : 1) your personal career goals, 2) how completion of your chosen course of study will help you achieve your goals, 3) in what ways does America and the free enterprise system provide opportunities for everyone to succeed

What is the perceptions of police and what society believes about the relationship between race and treatment by law enforcement has given researchers a broader perspective to undertake more investigation.

Race and treatment What is the perceptions of police and what society believes about the relationship between race and treatment by law enforcement has given researchers a broader perspective to undertake more investigation.

How will be breakthroughs in genetics, new materials, software, and thousands of new discoveries impact policing?

Law enforcement How will be breakthroughs in genetics, new materials, software, and thousands of new discoveries impact policing? Use of technology and political, moral, and legal debates regarding their application in modern law enforcement and crime control. What new potential invasions of privacy will become technologically possible? What bio-monitoring technologies should be admitted as evidence? … Read more

Make recommendations for local, state, and federal law enforcement officers on how to actively improve community relations in the multicultural society in which we live.

Community Oriented Policing Describe the role that law enforcement play in Community Oriented Policing. Make recommendations for local, state, and federal law enforcement officers on how to actively improve community relations in the multicultural society in which we live.

Although law enforcement officials have yet to release the motive behind the shooting spree, some officers have downplayed the role of bias in their statements. Do you believe that the shooting spree at the Atlanta-area spas was motivated by racial bias?

Atlanta Spa Shootings Suspect in Atlanta Spa Shootings Charged with Eight Counts of Murder, On Tuesday, March 16th, a white gunman, 21-year-old Robert Aaron Long, went on a shooting spreein Atlanta, Georgia that left eight people dead at three different Atlanta-area spas, six of which were women of Asian descent.Authorities were able to track and … Read more

Describe the organizational theories applicable to law enforcement.Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each theory as it relates to law enforcement.

Using the required resources for this module and through research on the subject, develop an essay that: Describe the organizational theories applicable to law enforcement. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each theory as it relates to law enforcement. Your essay: Must be a minimum of 700 words (not including title and reference pages) Be … Read more

Child Study Analysis Paper:Provide a timeline of the child’s life and Department of Children and Families and Community Based Care agency involvement leading up until the child’s death.identify all professionals involved and explain their role and documented professional opinions. 

Child Study Analysis Paper Description: Students must conduct an analysis of a case approved by the instructor and demonstrate an understanding of the case and apply sound reasoning to support their opinions. Students must follow the assigned rubric and articulate their own individual agreement or disagreement with the Courts’ decisions as well as the casework … Read more

Human Resources in Law Enforcement: write a comprehensive scholarly essay in which you analyze, explain, and apply these concepts in the context of a law enforcement organization.

Human Resources in Law Enforcement Write a comprehensive scholarly essay in which you analyze, explain, and apply these concepts in the context of a law enforcement organization. (minimum 1500 words) Incorporate and cite, using correct APA citation format, at least four different scholarly research sources. In-line citations must be used in the body of your … Read more