What are health risks disproportionately higher for the child population you selected? What supports could you offer the family through local or national organizations to address your selected population’s health risks?

Discussion Question: 1 Review the Case Example on page 260 in Chapter 12 in your text. Using the skills, you have already gained from previous courses, what would you say to the nurse who told Mrs. L, “I am sure that delaying your lunch until we get you settled won’t hurt you a bit?” How … Read more

Healthcare disparities : What disability disparity is the author referencing. What can you do as a nurse to address the disparity and ensure a positive outcome for patients? Consider Lewis’ model. What biases might act as barriers to access to care for members of culturally diverse groups?

Healthcare disparities Like healthcare disparities, disability disparities refer to the differences in service delivery, disability experiences, or clinical outcomes based on one’s membership in a particular group such as age, race, culture, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status (Kersey-Matusiak, 2019). Conduct a literature search to locate a journal article related to disability disparities. What disability disparity is … Read more