Select one of any of the articles we have covered this semester and describe what you take the principal argument to be.

Fin discussion Select one of any of the articles we have covered this semester and describe what you take the principal argument[s] to be. Aristotle, Kant, Bentham, Mill, Nietzsche. Your answers should be at a minimum one paragraph in length or as long as you like up to a total of two pages.

Write an essay on the importance of critique in the texts by Beccaria and Kant.

Read texts by Beccaria and Kant  Write an essay on the importance of critique in the texts by Beccaria and Kant. Start your paper with 1-2 paragraphs that cover the following: First, in your own words (around 100-150 words), briefly explicate and clarify the problem raised in the question. Second, state your thesis in bold. … Read more

Hegel History of Class struggles Alienation of the working class  Of Kant, Hegel, and Marx: what conception of freedom do you find the most persuasive?

Hegel History of Class struggles Alienation of the working class  Of Kant, Hegel, and Marx. What conception of freedom do you find the most persuasive? What does this conception of freedom entail us to do, and in your judgment, why is this a bet.

Ethical Decision Making: in a 4-5 page essay, discuss a real situation you have encountered which had an ethical component or dimension that is, where you had to negotiate your own interests, values and needs within the context of the needs and/or expectations of others.

Ethical Decision Making •In a 4-5 page essay, discuss a real situation you have encountered which had an ethical component or dimension that is, where you had to negotiate your own interests, values and needs within the context of the needs and/or expectations of others. •Use an example taken from your own experience, current events, … Read more