Compare the sentencing guidelines of TN state to the guidelines of TX state and the guidelines at the federal level for each crime.

Sentencing guidelines are determined through best practice research and public policies. Criminal justice practitioners must be well-informed regarding public policies and trends that impact sentencing in order to uphold best practices. In this summative assessment, you look at TN state’s sentencing guidelines for 2 crimes, as well as the public policies that influenced them. Research … Read more

Juvenile : Select any juvenile related issue or story from the news and provide a summary of the article.

Juvenile Select any juvenile related issue or story from the news and provide a summary of the article. This assignment should be a minimum of one (1) page with a summary of the article or event with a link to the story where the information was obtained. MLA / APA (your choice) citations. 12 point … Read more

Culpability has often been discussed in various circles pertaining to adolescence. What age, if any, do you gauge is a “good” age to state a juvenile is culpable for their actions, particularly delinquent/criminal?

JUVENILE Do you purport that there is a strong sense of validity in explaining juvenile delinquency and behaviors through development and neuroscience? Culpability has often been discussed in various circles pertaining to adolescence. What age, if any, do you gauge is a “good” age to state a juvenile is culpable for their actions, particularly delinquent/criminal? … Read more

Stickup Kid : What are some of the factors involved in juvenile detention?What are the consequences of locking up juvenile offenders?

Stickup Kid In this module, you watched the Frontline PBS episode Stickup Kid. For this essay, you will prepare a two page, double spaced typed essay that responds to the following questions: What are some of the factors involved in juvenile detention? What are the consequences of locking up juvenile offenders? What connections from this … Read more

Explain the benefits of restorative justice in the juvenile and adult cases compared to the punitive approach that was used.

Application of Restorative Justice to Juvenile and Adult Crimes Write a 1,500-word paper that includes the following: Juvenile Justice System (500 words) Identify one well-publicized crime committed by a juvenile in your community for which a restorative justice approach would have been more appropriate than the punitive approach that was used. Explain why. Explain how … Read more