Profession and socierty : Choose and outline current policy to the treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the health, social or Justice system in Australia.

Profession and socierty Choose and outline current policy to the treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the health, social or Justice system in Australia. Critically review the policy based on: Evidence for its effectiveness in achieving its stated aims/ purposes The extent to which the policy acts to protect the rights of … Read more

Under what circumstances or conditions do women veterans face challenges connecting to resources to successfully transition out of the justice system? Purpose statement:

Challenges Faced By Justice-Involved Women Veterans in Los Angeles County 1) What are the pathways U.S. women veterans take to enter the justice system? 2) Under what circumstances or conditions do women veterans face challenges connecting to resources to successfully transition out of the justice system? Purpose statement: 3) Explore affective, social, and educational factors … Read more

Creating an disparities, equity, and/or injustice affect one area of infographic (Links to an external site.) 

Creating an disparities, equity, and/or injustice affect one area of infographic (Links to an external site.)  use these graphics to dispel commonly shared mis- and dis-information you have seen on social media and/or the news about racial/ethnic, injustice/justice, and equity as it relates to the selected area of the justice system.