Part Two of the Quality Benchmark Project: identify stakeholders and their roles in addressing the issue.

Part Two of the Quality Benchmark Project Add 2 additional pages to Part 1 (the proposal) of the Quality Benchmark Project you submitted in week 2. Add to the original document so that your proposal and the content below is contained in a single document. Incorporate any feedback provided by your instructor from Part 1. … Read more

You are interning with a local law enforcement agency, write an essay addressing  the following issues:

You are interning with a local law enforcement agency, write an essay addressing  the following issues: What is the jurisdiction of the department? How big is the department? How big is the jurisdiction? How does the department deal with neighboring jurisdictions?  For example, small communities within a larger city may have their own police force.  … Read more

Write out a 2 page paper report considering if you where a police chief of a jurisdiction, what policies would you implement in order to address the results of this report?what are the potential flaws of the data collected in this National Crime Victimization Survey?

Crime Stat is a link to the 2019 Criminal Victimization report compiled by the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Review the results of the report. Write out a 2 page paper considering the following. Alhassan Almathob If you where a police chief of a jurisdiction, what policies would you implement in order to address the … Read more

Describe the law enforcement operations, enforcement strategies, subsequent prosecution of the case and relate the reported or projected impact of the case on drug supply reduction in the targeted jurisdiction

Instructions No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper. Search the web for a major DEA drug case and provide a review of that specific case.                              Describe the law enforcement operations, enforcement strategies, subsequent prosecution of the case … Read more