Write a paper about Islam and the world.Explain how Islam influenced the development of the early modern world system economically, politically, and socially.

Islam and the world Write a paper about Islam and the world.Explain how Islam influenced the development of the early modern world system economically, politically, and socially. Explain the ideology of Islam including the exploration of technology, rapid expansion, and the importance of North Africa and South Asia at that time. The paper needs to … Read more

Compare inter-religious and faith study, include Islam, catholic and protestant faiths and religions and explain how religion in everyday life has been adopted to include persons with disabilities, especially women with disabilities.

Inter-religious and faith study Compare inter-religious and faith study, include Islam, catholic and protestant faiths and religions and explain how religion in everyday life has been adopted to include persons with disabilities, especially women with disabilities. Follow the typical structure : Research questions, state of art, methodology , conclusion, the new original knowledge and the … Read more

Do you prefer one of these conceptions of the divine to the others? If so, Why?

Western Religion(Christianity, Islam) think of God as a Person. This means that they think God as an intellect, a will, and maybe even feelings. Eastern Religions (such as Taoism or the more philosophical branches of Hinduism) think of the divine as something far less person-like. For them the divine is basically the all-inclusive ground of … Read more

Saudi Arabian government, society and Islam: highlight and explain the role of the Saudi Arabian government, society and Islam on promoting Saudi women’s rights .

Saudi Arabian government, society and Islam Highlight and explain the role of the Saudi Arabian government, society and Islam on promoting Saudi women’s rights . Highlight which sectors have experienced constrain or advancement with especial focus on education sector. It has been said that the state has a central agent of the redefinition of the … Read more