Describe a condition of interest that involves one of these vitamins or minerals. What are some food sources that could be incorporated into the diet to help prevent the condition?

Vitamin D, calcium, and iron deficiencies Vitamin D, calcium, and iron deficiencies are linked to a number of common conditions. Describe a condition of interest that involves one of these vitamins or minerals. What are some food sources that could be incorporated into the diet to help prevent the condition?

Exothermic change : If 0.45 kg of iron at 140°C is added to 1.5 kg of water at 22°C, what will be the final temperature of the system?

Exothermic change a. If 0.45 kg of iron at 140°C is added to 1.5 kg of water at 22°C, what will be the final temperature of the system? (4 points) b. By touching the side of a beaker, a student concludes that an exothermic change is taking place inside it. Write 2 – 3 sentences … Read more