The fair and equitable standard gives modern expression to a general principle of due process in its application to the treatment of investors and [the standard] encapsulates the minimum requirements of the rule of law.” Critically discuss by making reference to relevant case law.

Modern expression The fair and equitable standard gives modern expression to a general principle of due process in its application to the treatment of investors and [the standard] encapsulates the minimum requirements of the rule of law.” Critically discuss by making reference to relevant case law.

Dating Service Proposal : Create a 3-slide PowerPoint proposal for a new online dating service.

Dating Service Proposal Imagine you are on a team of amateur entrepreneurs developing a new online dating service (either an app or website). A television producer has invited you to pitch your idea in front of a group of investors on an exciting, competitive game show. The winning team will receive a prize of investment … Read more

Artificial Intelligence Trends and Ethics: Issues for Investors : Discuss the uses of AI in Financial services and Financial management and its Positive or negative influences on finance practice and users.

Artificial Intelligence Trends and Ethics: Issues for Investors 1) What is Artificial Intelligence ? 2) Discuss the uses of AI in Financial services and Financial management and its Positive or negative influences on finance practice and users. 3) How AI could be unethical in general?How could it harm the investors?How could they be protected from … Read more