Develop a program related to enhancing your agency’s emergency services that will address services during the Covid 19 pandemic that will address the agency’s ability to identify and serve those who are not visible and have lost access to shelters, schools, services due to the impact of the virus.

Signature Assignment The Signature Assignment for this course is a 5-8-page essay narrative academic paper (excluding title page and references) using the following required 5-7 academic sources from the Touro library: 2: Peer reviewed journal articles 2: Credible popular sources (newspapers/credible magazines) 1-2: CREDIBLE internet sources. For the topic of your signature assignment, choose one … Read more

What are the similiarities and differences with intimate partner violence and domestic violence?

Victimology Review Intimate Partner Violence and Why Women Do Not Leave Film. What are the similiarities and differences with Intimate Partner Violence and Domestic Violence? When did IPV become so prevalent? Do you agree with the films findings and can you support it with documentation? Have you, or someone you know, ever been a victim … Read more

Intimate Partner Violence: analyze the rise of our understanding of intimate partner violence?

Intimate Partner Violence Analyze the rise of our understanding of intimate partner violence? What are some common risk factors associated with intimate partner violence? How do age, gender, and financial resources impact an individual’s ability to address intimate partner violence? Critique the criminal justice system’s responses and explain the effectiveness of the criminal justice system’s … Read more