Write a journal reflection reflecting on the intersection of the material covered in that unit the readings/videos and your personal life or view of the world.

Ah-Ha Journal 7 Write a journal reflection reflecting on the intersection of the material covered in that unit the readings/videos and your personal life or view of the world. Be as creative or as basic as you want with these. These are meant to be personal and address how the readings relate to your life. … Read more

Journal reflection : Write a journal reflecting on the intersection of the material covered on the below  readings/videos and your personal life or view of the world.

Journal reflection. Write a journal reflecting on the intersection of the material covered on the below  readings/videos and your personal life or view of the world. Be creative and address how the readings relate to your life. Assigned Reading : David Velleman, “Dying” from Beyond Price (pg 195-199) Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, excerpts from On Death and … Read more