Demonstrate a  broad knowledge and general understanding of International Law rules.

International Law rules • Demonstrate a  broad knowledge and general understanding of International Law rules. • Demonstrating awareness and understanding of the specific issues raised by the presented question. • Collection, comparison and synthesizing relevant information from different sources. • Ability to critically analyze and apply research materials to the area under investigation • Presentation … Read more

International Law: what is the role of UN Security in resolving international armed conflict?

International Law • What is the role of UN Security in resolving international armed conflict? • What is the role of UN Security Council in prosecuting international war criminals? • What is the role of the UN in maintaining world order? • Can the United Nations (and the UN Security Council) maintain world order? • … Read more

Describe and discuss the main theoretical approach  and  identify a different theoretical approach or approaches that might have been used to address the same issue, and discuss what insights this alternative approach might have provided. Your review should therefore, at a minimum, consider, in the context of the article, the strengths and weaknesses of the approach taken and  one further approach.

Implication of International Law in Electronic Commerce and Cyber Crime Word count: 2000 words max. An Experience of Nepal Describe and discuss the main theoretical approach  and  identify a different theoretical approach or approaches that might have been used to address the same issue, and discuss what insights this alternative approach might have provided. Your … Read more