Develop an instructional program to offer to the community. Outline the reasons why you chose your delivery method, each session’s objectives, and the overall objective for the program.

Instructional program. Develop an instructional program to offer to the community. Outline the reasons why you chose your delivery method, each session’s objectives, and the overall objective for the program. Also, present a tool to evaluate the program . Your presentation should be about 10–12 slides (10 minutes).

Outline the reasons why you chose your delivery method, each session’s objectives, and the overall objective for the program. Present a tool to evaluate the program.

Instructional program You work for the town recreation department and need to develop an instructional program of interest to you to offer to the community. Outline the reasons why you chose your delivery method, each session’s objectives, and the overall objective for the program. Present a tool to evaluate the program. Your presentation should be … Read more