Based on what you have learned about FAPE, explain why or why not the cost-sharing for the parents is an acceptable solution for Michael.

Scenario: Michael has been referred for special education services after teachers and his parents had tried several problem-solving efforts within his current school and classroom to help meet his educational needs. Results from Michael’s full case study evaluation suggest that he possesses behaviors consistent with an emotional disability and requires special education services for more … Read more

Making Adaptations : Describe the adaptation you observed.Identify if the adaptation was for environment, activity, materials, instruction or assistance.

Making Adaptations When one of my son’s was young, he was treated for a lazy eye. He received eye glasses and patches and his vision improved. Or so we thought! By the time he reached third grade he was starting to be frustrated in school. He struggled with written work. So we had him assessed … Read more

Construction project management: Explain how the learning goal and the planned supports align with the IEP goal.

Construction project management •Explain how the learning goal and the planned supports align with the IEP goal. •List any special accommodations or modifications in the learning environment,instruction, or assessment required by the IEP and relevant to the learning goal.  

Modifying Lesson Plan: write a 250-500 word rationale explaining your instructional choices, how your lesson extends the skills taught in the “Sample Lesson Plan” for Marcus, and how the lesson is appropriate for meeting Marcus’ academic goal.discuss how elements of UDL will be incorporated to enhance Marcus’ learning.

Modifying Lesson Plan An essential part of being a special educator is writing and implementing IEPs and lesson plans associated with goals on IEPs. Due to legal requirements, special educators should understand the steps that go into planning effective lessons and appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities. Being able to translate IEP goals into learning … Read more

Describe the typical characteristics of students with physical disabilities and describe a few examples of accommodations/modifications that would be beneficial to these students. 

Chapter 14 Review Questions Complete the following questions to demonstrate your knowledge of students with physical disabilities and other health impairments. Remember to include information from both the chapter reading, additional readings and instructional video(s). Submit your answer below. Describe the typical characteristics of students with physical disabilities and describe a few examples of accommodations/modifications … Read more

 Does the student have a disability according to the specified criteria?

Three major federal laws protect the rights of people with disabilities: IDEA Section 504 ADA IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act N.J.A.C. Title 6A Chapter 14 IDEA is the Federal Special Education law Schools must find, identify, and evaluate students who may have disabilities A diagnosis does not guarantee qualification Students are entitled to and … Read more