Primary care medication management :Briefly discuss the first-line treatment recommendations from JNC8, and the AHA/ACC for a patient with no other major comorbidities.

Primary care medication management. Provide your responses and rationales. Support your rationales with high-level evidence. A minimum of 500 words, not including references Mrs. Lyons is a 57-year-old African American female who recently developed headaches and had an elevated blood pressure reading at her work health fair. When she had her blood pressure taken at … Read more

K.J. is a 47-year-old black man with diabetes: what type of diabetes would he be diagnosed with?what are the effects of diabetes on other organs?

K.J. is a 47-year-old black man with diabetes. He also has a history of hypertension and hyperlipidemia, cigarette smoking, and is 50 pounds overweight. He was diagnosed with diabetes when he was 42 years old and has a sister with diabetes. He is compliant with his medication and is an avid golfer. He works as … Read more