Four Lenses : Analyze an Issue or event in Technology through the Lenses of History and the Humanities.

Four Lenses Analyze an Issue or event in Technology through the Lenses of History and the Humanities. Prompt First, review the overviews and resources in Modules One through Three, as well as the Four Lenses document from Module One. Next, analyze your issue/event through the lens of history, and address the following: How does this … Read more

Critical Analysis Portfolio : Provide an analysis of an issue or event in technology through the four general education lenses: history, humanities, social sciences, and natural and applied sciences.

Critical Analysis Portfolio. Provide an analysis of an issue or event in technology through the four general education lenses: history, humanities, social sciences, and natural and applied sciences. Be sure to incorporate instructor feedback from your final project milestones into this final submission, particularly Milestones One, Two, and Four.    

Humanities : write a 5-7 page paper analyzing one or more of the readings differences and commonalities in the themes and arguments across the literature ?

Humanities Write a 5-7 page paper analyzing one or more of the readings/topics/units from this semester. Use at least five sources. In addition to examining the authors’ arguments (there might be many, so PICK ONE and stick with it), students may structure their essay in the following ways (choose two): What are the differences and … Read more

Select a specific issue or event in diversity and critically analyze it through the four general education lenses: history, humanities, social sciences, and natural and applied sciences.

Select a specific issue or event in diversity and critically analyze it through the four general education lenses: history, humanities, social sciences, and natural and applied sciences. Through viewing the issue or event through these lenses, you will gain insight into how the intersectional nature of diversity affects society as well as both your own … Read more

Humanities :develop a vocabulary for criticizing, evaluating, and describing works of art.for this competency,assume the role of a critic.

Humanities Develop a vocabulary for criticizing, evaluating, and describing works of art. For this competency,assume the role of a critic. View each piece of work listed below and analyze it as a piece of art, identifying key elements of the work and using terminology common to the discipline . Using a few concise paragraphs for … Read more

Humanities: In a written response of one to three pages, explain what the humanities are and how they influence culture.

Humanities In a written response of one to three pages, explain what the humanities are and how they influence culture. Identify key traditions and ideas influencing our culture. Define humanities, describe the different areas of studies, why people study humanities, how art influences culture and how culture influences art.

Write a five to six-page essay on the following topic: why does a full understanding of our world require the humanities in addition to the sciences? Illustrate your discussion with reference to two specific primary texts assigned in this class, and explain what we can learn from those texts that goes beyond science.

Write a five to six-page essay on the following topic: Why does a full understanding of our world require the humanities in addition to the sciences? Illustrate your discussion with reference to two specific primary texts assigned in this class, and explain what we can learn from those texts that goes beyond science. Choose two … Read more

How do the humanities impact your life? In other words, where does music fit in? Where do images? Dance? Architecture? Creative language? Film? Literature?

How do the humanities impact your life? In other words, where does music fit in? Where do images? Dance? Architecture? Creative language? Film? Literature? Create a list of humanities you are already enjoying or participating and tell us what they mean to you personally. Choose one piece or art of literature that has meaning to … Read more