Imagine you are a Human Resource manager for a large firm and that one of your employees has suffered a temporary disability.What laws apply to temporary disability at the workplace?

Human Resource Imagine you are a Human Resource manager for a large firm and that one of your employees has suffered a temporary disability. What laws apply to temporary disability at the workplace? Under what general circumstances is the employee entitled to benefits? What are those benefits and who administers them?

Analyze and synthesize strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) to generate, prioritize, and implement alternative strategies to revise a current plan or write a new plan and present a strategic plan.

Project Utilize a set of useful analytical skills, tools, and techniques for analyzing a company strategically. Integrate ideas, concepts, and theories from previously taken functional courses including accounting, finance, market, business, and human resource management. Analyze and synthesize strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) to generate, prioritize, and implement alternative strategies to revise a current … Read more

Human Resource : Discuss to what extent your operations manager has to interact and communicate information with the Human Resource Manager.Provide two real examples to illustrate this interrelation.

Human Resource Discuss to what extent your operations manager has to interact and communicate information with the Human Resource Manager . Provide two real examples to illustrate this interrelation. Focus only on the interaction and give specific examples. Can use and develop the two examples below: 1- Skills needed and training requirement 2- Setting Health … Read more

Human resource: Develop a Human Resource Management business proposal with specific focus on HR operating model (structure), resourcing and development.

Human resource Write a report of 3,000 words to the following brief: Develop a Human Resource Management business proposal with specific focus on HR operating model (structure), Resourcing and Development. Your recommendations and overall HRM business proposal need to demonstrate considerations on business alignment, a proposal that can assist any start–up or SME type company. … Read more

Human Resource: analyze how your proposed FIR solution to an HR challenge contributes to organizational goals and strategies.

Human Resource You are a newly hired HR professional in a small private sector company that provides a broad spectrum of products for the cruise ship industry. The company repackages standard personal grooming products, perfumes, and lotions into smaller gift packages appropriate for customer appreciation gifts. There are 300 employees in the firm and the … Read more