Burke and Litwin (1992) define ‘organizational climate’ as being the ‘collective impressions, expectations, and feelings’ that employees currently have towards their employer. They go on to argue that policy and practice in the field of reward management plays a major role in influencing ‘organizational climate’. To what extent do you agree, and why? Justify your answer with reference to your reading and personal experience.

People Management and Development Strategies for Performance Question 1 Burke and Litwin (1992) define ‘organizational climate’ as being the ‘collective impressions,expectations, and feelings’ that employees currently have towards their employer. They go on toargue that policy and practice in the field of reward management plays a major role in influencing‘organizational climate’. To what extent do … Read more

Discuss HR functions within a performance management system that contribute to effective training and development.

Functions of HRM •Provide a high-level overview of each HRM area listed above. •Discuss HR functions within a performance management system that contribute to effectivetraining and development. •Explain how an effective performance management system along with compensation andbenefits can attract, develop, and retain talented employees. •Analyze employment and labor laws and regulations that impact these … Read more

Global Environment and People Management: discuss the role of HRM as the interface between an organization and its labor markets.

Global Environment and People Management • Critically evaluate contemporary research in the field of organizations and the environments in which they operate                                                                                   • Critically analyze the internal environmental influences impacting upon people management in a global context • Describe the link between the environment, strategy, … Read more

HRM614 TD 4: explain what the HRM can can do to ensure job standards are relayed to individual contributors in a consistent manner?  

HRM614 TD 4. QUESTION 1 The HRM needs to complete a thorough analysis of the standards expected for each employee. 1a. Describe the process  the HRM implements in developing these standards. 1b. Why is it important to develop standards? In your discussion, relate your answer to overall organization effectiveness. QUESTION 2 Setting expectations and standards is an … Read more