Genre : Write a single, detailed scene (250 word minimum), utilizing the conventions of one of the following genres.

Genre Write a single, detailed scene (250 word minimum), utilizing the conventions of one of the following genres. You may also hybridize or mix two or more genres together (for example historical romance or horror comedy). Choose from the genres listed below: Comedy Drama Horror Mystery Action Adventure Crime Romance Thriller Science Fiction Dystopian Fantasy … Read more

What are some of the ways in which Sam Watkins and his friends in Company H dealt with the time in between battles?include specific instances whenever possible.

Personal Narrative Respond to the prompt “The life of a common soldier includes brief moments of horror and violence as well as long periods of boredom and privation. •What are some of the ways in which Sam Watkins and his friends in Company H dealt with the time in between battles? Include specific instances whenever … Read more